Every year, ABL Employment chooses a theme around which to focus our financial goals, growth plans, and team building activities. This year our theme is “Be Fit”.
As our president and founder PJ Ferguson says, it is NOT “Get Fit” – implying everyone needs to jump on a treadmill and lose 20 lbs by the end of 2019 – although we will cheer you on enthusiastically if this is a personal goal for you this year! “Be Fit” is actually about setting yourself up to “be fit for purpose” in whatever your “purpose” is – in life, or in business. To truly “Be Fit” in the ABL world, you need to empower your Mental Health, Physical Wellness, and Business Acumen.
To that end, we are developing a video series of Business Fit Tips which we will share with our wider business community. In this series, we will share traditional workplace fitness tips and their corresponding business fit tips that can be incorporated into your regular business day.
Our corporate fitness advisor on this project is Caroline Hamilton, a personal fitness instructor and long-time ABL partner. She will teach us how to incorporate small fitness techniques in our daily routine that will support our physical and mental wellness goals throughout the workday. Our ABL staffing and management team will highlight universally applicable business principles that can provoke thought and discussion amongst teams of all types and sizes.
We hope you will enjoy these episodes and follow along on this journey with us. We’d love to hear from you about how you are incorporating these videos or techniques into your team activities at your own workplace. Should you wish to contribute an idea or suggestion for future Business Fit Tip episodes, we would be delighted to hear from you about that, also! You can message us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.
ABL is a staffing agency specializing in filling general labour temporary jobs, including packaging jobs and warehouse jobs. Contact us today to find the right staff for your needs!
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