Written by: Alexander Borsos
ABL Employment
Some days it may seem like your personal life and work life are on auto-pilot: Wake-up, work, eat, sleep, and repeat. When did you start living to work, instead of working to live?
At ABL Employment we know that everyone has to work to get through life. But having a proper balance between working and living is required to make sure you don’t burn out, and can enjoy a happy life.
Listed below are 8 insights into how you can restore more balance in your life:
- Take your vacation time instead of working through it to accumulate the vacation pay for the end of the year
- Learn to turn off your work phone when you are spending quality time with your family, or when you are doing the things you love
- Plan your days out in advance: This will allow you to know when you should be working and when you should be focusing on activities outside of work.
- Taking care of your body gets extremely difficult when you get caught up in work. Plan out your meals ahead of time, and get at least one hour of exercise a day.
- Pick up hobbies or join local clubs. Everyone has passions that fuel our life’s purpose. Really embrace these activities, and you will find that you have a lot more drive and energy through out the day.
- Meditation (or prayer, or Mindful Reflection) are some of the best ways to decompress and release stress from your day. We aren’t suggesting you turn into a monk, but 5-10 minutes in a dark room, sitting up-right, eyes closed, and breathing in from your nose and out from your mouth can help bring your blood pressure down and give you a refreshed state of mind.
- Stretch before and after work. Stretching will release any tension in your muscles and can result in less pain and less stress.
- Make family (either the one you’re born into or those you choose for yourself) a big priority in your life. Nothing is more satisfying than a happy family that you are there to enjoy!
Now that you have some tools in your toolbelt to help combat your work/life imbalance, ABL would like to help you have “A Better Life” as a supervisor or manager, by putting you in contact with the best temporary, seasonal or direct-hire staff available in your market. Contact us at businessdevelopment@ablemployment.com – Having a staffing partner that has been in the industry for 18+ years will help you meet your staffing and productivity goals.