A dedicated, heartfelt man who overcame personal difficulties and life’s obstacles to finally find his “perfect job match” and demonstrate that anyone can create A Better Life when they are embraced by caring people and make the most of the opportunities that come their way.
Zaric registered with ABL in 2015 and has worked with us at various assignments ever since. He displays a positive “can-do” attitude and a willingness to persevere despite some difficult challenges life has thrown his way. Zaric was born in St. Lucia and was adopted by a woman here in Canada. He was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome at birth, which means that he has to overcome certain difficulties that affect him in his daily life: it takes him longer to learn new tasks, he can be described as “steady, not speedy”, and he is very trusting, which some unscrupulous people have taken advantage of in the past. But Zaric is such a positive, dependable, and hard-working person, that ABL kept on trying to find a job match for him. He never turned down an assignment, even if it meant walking across town in the middle of winter when the buses weren’t running. Eventually we were able to find his “perfect-fit”, and after a few months, he was hired on directly. We are thrilled that Zaric has found a worksite that values his strengths and is willing to work patiently with him on his challenges. His supervisor said that “he is a great worker, you just have to understand him and work with him”. If everyone approached life the way Zaric does, this world would be a better, happier place for all of us.