A hardworking single dad who has utilized ABL to find a position with a flexible schedule so he could be there for his daughter in her formative years, support her as she attends university, as well as to create A Better Life for others in his community through his passion for Youth Sports and mentoring new employees.
Kevin has worked with ABL for 3 years now, at two locations of the same client company. Over the years, he has taken the initiative to do things like arrange car-pool groups, and mentor new employees without being asked. He has recently become the ABL Afternoon Shift Coordinator onsite at this client company, because ABL consistently receives positive feedback from supervisors and other employees about him. A supervisor once commented that “Kevin order-picks as much in three days as we would usually expect to see in seven days”. Kevin loves to take any overtime that becomes available over and above his awesome attendance and punctuality for his regular shifts. When we asked Kevin what motivates him to be such a rock-star at his assignment, he said: “This assignment helps me meet the demands of being a single father, by providing a steady, predictable income when my summer job is slow, to support my daughter, while also allowing the schedule flexibility (Kevin works 10 hour shifts x 4 days a week) to be there for her in her formative years, whether that’s to help her with homework, spending time discussing what’s going on in her life, and being able to support her as she starts university, while still being able to spend a lot of time together on my 3-day weekends. I like that I’m able to slow down my “ABL” hours during the summer to take advantage of the construction industry peak season, and then come back to ABL in the Fall/Winter/Spring when construction work is slower. My work schedule also allows me to continue my volunteer work in youth sports in my community, which I am very passionate about. I am grateful for the support I’ve received from the ABL staff over the years, as well as supervisors and colleagues who have helped me get where I am. I am proud to be the Afternoon Shift Coordinator for ABL, where I can help new employees learn the ropes and feel welcome, so they in turn can become great assets to the company and meet their own goals, too.”.